Category: Op-Eds
Why are College Professors Liberal?
America: Who Do You Like? Romney or Obama
In a recent poll taken by an obvious tree-hugging liberal spinning organization “The Wall Street Journal,” Americans “like” Obama over Romney by a wide margin (almost 2-1). While political analysts often scoff at this kind of poll, Americans vote their feelings and attitudes as much as they do issues. It’s how John F. Kennedy narrowly won the election in 1960 against Richard Nixon. These numbers will surely be problematic for Mitt Romney who many have called “out of touch” with every day Americans (Not my liberal spin, but the former Republican Speaker of the House.)
As the election heats up, …
Obama vs. Romney: What’s the diff?
So it’s unofficially official. It’s Obama versus Romney in 2012. Even though I like Barack Obama, I think Mitt is the best guy in the field of Republicans. Since Universal Health Care seems to be the defining issue of the day, how’s the campaign rhetoric gonna read: My Universal Health Care versus His. Wait, there’s no difference. One’s just bigger. Both work based on the single payer mandate. Romney care versus Obamny care. Uhhh, I’ll take choice A…no… choice B…shit, I’ll just flip a coin. I don’t know about this… the Supreme Court in a politically influenced piece of Scalia brilliance …