It has become popular with the extreme right to discount science, as if it’s some kind of voodoo, anti-religious propaganda. For example, on the issue of global warming, science has overwhelmingly supported the view that man is largely responsible for this phenomenon and that steps need to be taken prevent irreparable damage to the earth. People that study the science of our planet including meteorologists, nuclear physicists, biologists, and geologists have written extensively on the subject, yet intelligent people still buy into some backwards notions that science is wrong. The consensus is overwhelming and yet people will read one small rebuttal in an opinionated piece of drivel and argue that science is wrong. Sorry ignoramuses….fossils win, physics wins, science wins, telescopes wins, and microscopes win, History repeats itself unless people learn from the mistakes we’ve made. Keep your handed down biases to yourself or limit your dialogue to church socials and ice cream parlors.
Higher education involves extensive research and observation of the human condition. Colleges and Universities are around to educate the masses based on “mass” observation. Things like history, science, social science, and philosophy are taught to…and for… everyone, not religious, special interest, whack jobs who want to hijack intelligence for biased extremism. How old is the earth? 99.99999 percent of educated people will tell you the earth is really, really old, and yet, you’ll get people who’ll respond to this post who say, how do you know? It’s beyond an argument, and hardly worthy of a response.
What IS liberal? Is it an advocacy of Universal Health Care? Since when? Is it “liberal” to advocate public schools, highways, libraries, an Environmental Protection Agency, and free speech? Or just common sense? Why would any educated person advocate social services? Perhaps because history has shown that either we take care of the masses with certain basic needs like their health care, shelter, education, and food, or the masses will take care of it themselves. Choice A or B. It’s called a revolution. Remember 1776. Eighteenth Century France? Czarist Russia, Germany recovering from World War 1? Does the fact that the stratification between “haves and have nots” is at an all-time high. Marx talked about the two classes, the bourgeois and the working class. Capitalism if not checked would implode on itself. Occupy Wall Street might have been one of the triggers. Like it or not, the poor and middle class greatly outnumber the elite. No disrespect to Wal-Mart, but America tires easily of things like monopolies.
Higher education involves liberalism. Call a spade a spade. Professors are simply smarter.
Commie Liberal