The Christian
Attn: Mitt Romney, More Drilling is NOT the Answer
Why U.S. Gas Prices Are So Low
WHY ARE GAS PRICES so low….compared to Europe?
Gasoline costs roughly the same to make no matter where in the world it’s produced. The difference in retail costs, is that some governments subsidize gas while others tax it heavily.
In many oil producing nations, gas is absurdly cheap. In Venezuela it’s 12 cents a gallon. In Saudi Arabia it’s 45 cents
The governments there forego the money from selling that oil on the open market – instead using the money to make their people happy and encourage their nations’ development.
Subsidies, many analysts say, are encouraging rampant demand in these …
The Lesbian
“The Mosquito Sting” finally hits Barnes & Noble
Here is the link to Barnes & Noble online bookstore for purchasing “The Mosquito Sting.”